Trust Extension | Crypto & Bitcoin Wallet

If you are looking for a browser extension or a web-based interface for Trust Wallet, it's recommended to visit the official Trust Wallet website or contact their support for the most accurate and up-

Trust Wallet primarily operates as a mobile cryptocurrency wallet and does not have an official browser extension. However, developments may have occurred since then, so it's crucial to check the latest information from Trust Wallet's official channels.

If you are looking for a browser extension or a web-based interface for Trust Wallet, it's recommended to visit the official Trust Wallet website or contact their support for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

Here are general steps to use Trust Wallet on mobile devices:

  1. Download and Install:

    • Visit the official Trust Wallet website or download the app from the respective app store for your device (Google Play Store for Android or Apple App Store for iOS).

  2. Create a Wallet:

    • Follow the on-screen instructions to create a new wallet. You will typically need to set up a password and securely store the recovery seed phrase.

  3. Secure Backup:

    • Safely back up your recovery seed phrase and store it in a secure place. This is crucial for account recovery in case you lose access to your device.

  4. Add Cryptocurrencies:

    • After creating your wallet, you can add various cryptocurrencies by searching and enabling them within the Trust Wallet app.

  5. Receive and Send Cryptocurrencies:

    • Use the wallet to receive and send cryptocurrencies by providing or scanning the recipient's address.

If Trust Wallet has introduced any new features, extensions, or changes to its services, this information would be available on their official website or through their support channels.

Always prioritize security and be cautious of phishing attempts or unofficial applications that could compromise the safety of your cryptocurrency holdings. If you have specific questions or concerns, reaching out to Trust Wallet's official support is the best way to obtain accurate information and assistance.

Last updated